Hi! I'm Zinnia!

Welcome to my blog!  Thanks for stopping by!  I will be writing in my blog about once a week, talking my life here in my foster home while I wait for the just-right forever home.  Could it be your home?????

So below is the first picture I would like to share.  That is me in the front, with my tongue out.  :)   I am at a temporary foster home, before I came to the Blind Dog Rescue. I was at this home for about a week, waiting for my Blind Dog Rescue foster mom to drive over the Blue Ridge Mountains to pick me up.  I look like I could be related to all the dogs on this bed, don't I?  I got along with these dogs just fine, and I get along pretty well with other dogs too.  The only dogs I find annoying are dogs that don't see too well who bump into me. I don't see very well either, and you would think I would understand, but I just don't. And I have some pain, and so it not only surprises me but it hurts me when suddenly they bump into me. There are two dogs in my foster home who see just fine and they don't bother me at all.  What I really like are people, though!

My foster mom knows now that the reason my tongue is out in this picture and in the other first pictures taken of me is because I had pneumonia and so was having trouble breathing.  I don't keep my tongue out anymore because my lungs are clear!  I am still on some antibiotics for a couple more weeks, and I get my antibiotic with a taste of liverwurst which I love!

So, that is all for now.  I hope you will think about whether you might be the one to adopt me.  Please first read the information about me on the blinddogrescue.org website (see "Available Dogs") and, if you think you might be the one, there is a link to the adoption application at the bottom of my page.

In the meantime, I will be doing some relaxing here at my foster home!


  1. Gee...I had a blind dog, a Samoyed. Is there any help from Vets to take care of all the vet troubles?

  2. Hi Jill, Thank you for checking out Zinnia's blog and for your question. Yes, Zinnia is receiving ongoing care from our local vet clinic. She was just there again on Wednesday! All Blind Dog Rescue foster dogs get comprehensive medical care prior to adoption. Thank you again!


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